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The fastest,
easiest and healthiest way to the right swing.

Bella Vista Golf Academy

Bella Vista Golf Academy

For young and old, beginners and advanced.

From beginners to those with a single handicap - everyone benefits from my scientifically based teaching method. Logical explanations based on the principles of physics and kinaesthesia, which are simple to understand, making golf easy and enjoyable. I worked for years with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Grosser and Master Professional Manfred Knauss during which I developed my interest in teaching you the fastest way to achieve the right swing, regardless of your age or physical condition.

v.l. PGA Golflehrer Josef Loher und spanischer Profigolfer Sergio García
v.l. PGA Golflehrer Josef Loher und spanischer Profigolfer Sergio García

From the left: PGA golf instructor Josef Loher and Spanish professional golfer Sergio García.

It is my aspiration for the Bella Vista Golf Academy to introduce young and old, beginners and advanced golfers to the game of golf with a specially elaborated teaching-learning concept that will optimise their movement

Golf taster for guests and locals incl. practice balls, club rental and range fee. Appointment by arrangement.
Min. 2, max. 5 people. 1x 120 minute lesson.
You will get an insight into the world of golf and a short demonstration with explanation of the most important basic terms. Then you can take your first steps in golf under the guidance of an expert instructor.

3-day course. Min. 2, max. 4 people. 3x 90 min. lesson.
You will be shown all golf techniques including chipping, pitching, putting and long game, you will also be told the basics relating to the rules of the game and etiquette on the course. Includes practice balls, club rental, range fee & green fee (9-hole short course)

5-day intensive course for the course permit. Min. 2, max.
4 people 5x 120 min. lessons on the driving range and 9-hole short course.
Our pro will accompany you and teach you about the rules & etiquette. Includes practice balls, club rental, range fee, two green fees, course permit examination and theoretical examination on the rules.

2-Tages Spiel- und Technikkurs

Mit der richtigen Strategie machen wir Sie fit für jede Platzrunde und jedes Turnier. Spielen und lernen Sie mit dem Profi auf dem Platz und auf der Range, damit das nächste "Runterspielen" zur Formsache wird.
In diesem Spielkurs werden sowohl die technischen als auch taktischen Aspekte auf dem Platz behandelt. Individuelle Schwächen werden ermittelt und gezielte Verbesserrungen und Trainingsprogramme erarbeitet.

3-day play & technique class. Min. 2, max. 3 people. 2x 90 min. driving range, 1x 30 min. driving range, 3x 150 min. 18 holes
course & handicap 9-hole tournament on the last day of the course.

Requirement: Course permit. In this course, both technical and tactical on course skills are taught. Your weaknesses are identified and targeted improvements are worked out. After a perfect 3-day preparation with our pro on the driving range and on the course, you can improve your handicap at a handicap tournament. Take advantage of your training and the support of the pro.
Including practice balls, free range & green fees and 9-hole tournament.

30 minutes 27,50 €
60 minutes 55,- €
10 x 30 minutes (plus green fees & practice balls) 247,50 €
Josef Loher

Josef Loher

PGA Golf instructor, Business Administration

Bella Vista Allee 1, 84364 Bad Birnbach

Phone: 08563 977181
Fax: 08563 977179

Christoph Köglmeier

Christoph Köglmeier


Bella Vista Allee 1, 84364 Bad Birnbach

Phone: 0170 321 1016, 08563 977181

Golfakademie Christoph Köglmeier
