Rottal Terme at a glance | Bad Birnbach Jump to content Jump to navigation
Rottal Terme at a glance

Rottal Terme at a glance

The Rottal Terme (deliberately written in Italian without an "h") is considered to be one of the most popular, most beautiful and varied spa facilities in all of Germany.

On an area of more than 30,000 square metres with a good 2,400 square metres of medicinal water, there is something for everyone in more than 30 different pools and numerous attractions. We have divided the Rottal Terme into three sections, which are all linked but with each one tailored to the needs of our visitors. Here you will find an overview of all important facilities in the individual parts. 

  1. Therapeutic Spa Treatment
  2. Spa world in the Vitarium
  3. Sauna World in the Vitarium